THE RETURN NATIONAL AND GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER AND REPENTANCE SEPTEMBER 26, 2020 ON THE NATIONAL MALL, WASHINGTON, D.C. THE MISSION: REVIVAL BY INDIVIDUAL, NATIONAL AND GLOBAL REPENTANCE. THE SOLOMN ASSEMBLY We need to make an honest inventory of personal as well as corporate (national) sins. We must acknowledge these sins, own them, and humble […]

The Blood Trail Pt. 4

September 27 of this year is an important religious holiday for Israel and Jews the world over. It is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Instructions were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai by God on how to make an annual sacrifice for the sins of the entire nation. On that day the High priest […]

The Blood Trail Pt. 3

7/15/2020 We continue to follow the predicted trail of redemption through the Old Testament with the Hebrews living in Egypt and working as slaves, about 1,446 years before Christ. God raised up Moses to deliver his people and lead them into the Promised Land. At that time the Egyptians worshipped at least ten gods, none […]


In three days, we turn our attention to celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence and our subsequent freedom. However, it began 284 years before that with a man’s idea “to carry the Light of Christ into the darkness of undiscovered heathen lands and to bring the inhabitants of those lands to the holy […]