First Sunday in Advent

Think About It “The story of Christmas is the story of God’s relentless love for us. When Christ was born, so was our hope.” -Max Lucado

Last Sunday of Church Year

Think About It Doctors often prescribe purifying the body of toxins. The Bible tells us how to cleanse the mind of corruption:  meditate on things that are pure and virtuous (Philippians 4:8)  It is God’s recipe for having the mind of Christ.

Appreciation Day

Thanksgiving is a day dedicated to expressing appreciation. A holiday not about us, not about national achievements or victories, but focusing outside ourselves to the only One who is responsible for everything, without exception. Yes, we work hard, achieve great things, many invent things to make life easier and diligence in farming that has resulted […]

The Survivor

You may be familiar with the TV series, Survivor; “a reality-competition featuring a group of contestants deliberately marooned in an isolated location, where they must provide food, water, fire and shelter for themselves.” Of course, the contestants know in advance the challenges they must face and the level of difficulty. I don’t believe anyone would […]

The Unexpected

Two weeks ago, I talked about making lemon-aid out of life’s lemons; when unforeseen storms come out of nowhere, challenges we can’t prepare for blindside us, and now many uncertainties regarding the future. How are we to survive? It begins with an attitude that God is in the present as well as the future. No […]