
Take a Walk

I don’t know if you enjoy walking or not but Barb and I do. We try and walk every day when it is nice from April to November at Pilot Knob State Park. Depending on the condition of the ground determines if we walk on the pavement or trails.

When we walk, we generally take in the scenery and look for deer and interesting birds if we hear them. I find as I walk the same path, I become familiar with the surroundings and don’t take much notice of the trees, plants and wild life.

A couple of years ago that changed when I discovered an APP that can identify plants and mushrooms. So, when I see a plant, tree or mushroom of sorts I stop and take a picture with my phone and discover what it is, how it grows and more. It makes the walk more interesting, but can slow us down some.

The Bible talks about walking with God and part of that walk is reading the Bible. I find it can be much like a walk in the park or the woods. As you read there are things you don’t understand, but keep on reading. If you read a passage many times it can become so familiar your brain is hardly engaged and can gloss over the words, much like reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

What we need to do is stop and look closer to identify key words phrases and/or ask questions. There are phone APPs that can help with that as well as books and commentaries. When we stop to investigate a word, we are digging deeper into the passage and more likely to learn and remember more. This in turn builds faith and confidence in God. 2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:     

Today 2:30 confirmation

Sunday 21, 9:00 Morning Lenten worship. Sermon: Return from Betrayal

 Morning worship services may be viewed on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Pilot-Knob-Lutheran-Church-Forest-City-IA-431071033738650/  and our website at: www.pilotknob.org (Click on sermon at the very top of the page then Sunday’s Sermon  then scroll down to the correct date.  It is viewed through Facebook even if you don’t have an account.)



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