The Blood Trail Continues
6/24/2020 God’s plan to rescue the world from sin and death began with His announcement in Genesis 3:15, and the killing (sacrifice) of an animal to cover the shame and guilt of Adam and Eve. All done by God from a heart of love, grace and mercy. We move on to the first two children […]
A Trail of Blood
We may be familiar with what the New Testament says about Jesus and the cross, but what about Jesus and the cross in the Old Testament? Jesus explained from the Old Testament while on the road to Emmaus how the Messiah had to die on a Roman cross and rise from the dead to bring […]
American Democracy?!
I don’t know about you, but have you been hearing people refer to America’s form of government as a democracy? I sure have especially from governmental leaders and hopefuls. However, the Pledge of Allegiance says: “and to the republic for which it stands. . ..” So, which is it and what is the difference? What […]