
A Trail of Blood

We may be familiar with what the New Testament says about Jesus and the cross, but what about Jesus and the cross in the Old Testament?  Jesus explained from the Old Testament while on the road to Emmaus how the Messiah had to die on a Roman cross and rise from the dead to bring salvation. I would like to begin a short series on tracing the ‘blood trail’ in the Old Testament right up to Calvary. It all begins with two naked vegetarians that God created in His image and placed them in a garden of “paradise” to live in harmony and delight. The very name Eden means delight in Hebrew.

God told Adam and Eve to enjoy life, eat all the fruit and vegies you want except from one tree, and also have lots of children.  Yes, Adam and Eve were perfect, but God gave them a free will without which loving God would be forced obedience.

Eve looked long and hard at the forbidden fruit as she listened to the lies of the serpent. She eventually caved in to deception and eat what she was not to eat and shared it with her husband as he watched. (Nice job Adam!). Immediately they experienced shame and fear. They hid themselves in the bushes and because they were vegetarians, they made clothes from fig leaves. They would never have thought to kill an animal for the latest fashion in clothing.

It was at that time God announced the gospel, though somewhat obscure. Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Here we learn that Eve would have a human descendant (He) who would crush the work of Satan. However, it would cause a great deal of human suffering.

So, the gospel begins in Genesis with God declaring His incarnation at some future time.  In the meantime the fig leaves had to go! God in His grace and love made them clothing to cover their shame with material that would last and provide more comfort. Animal skins, genuine leather! God killed the first animal shedding its blood to provide a covering for their shame. Perhaps they wore the first wool clothing. Not told what animal was killed, but a lamb would make sense as Jesus later is called the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.

We learn at the outset that sin is very serious. It is a violation and rebellion against God’s law. 1 John 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. Secondly love requires justice. Not one who flies off the handle, but calm and patience wanting all to repent and seek forgiveness. One day all ungodliness will be accounted for. We also learn our efforts to cover our sin is useless. Only a holy God can provide hope, forgiveness and reconciliation. Lastly, it shows we need a perfect man to shed His blood to satisfy God’s righteous wrath against sin.

So, the coming Messiah begins with a hint to God’s prearranged plan to rescue us from eternal death.

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:   

Thursday 18, 10:00 Quilting

June 21, 9:00 Sunday morning worship. Sermon: Let The Struggle Begin. Romans 6:12-23

10:00 Congregational meeting following worship. Topic: video equipment.

If you have not returned your CPC baby bottle please do so Sunday. Thank you.

*If you haven’t visited our website, (pilotknob.orglately take a look, it’s been remade and there is an online button to donate electronically.



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