
This month we celebrate America’s birthday, July 4, 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Early colonists came to this new world we call America primarily for religious freedom. Many who came believed in Jesus Christ and worshipped freely; lived and conducted business by the Word of God. Yet by 1688 William Stoughton, […]

A Jealous God?

To be jealous according to is to have resentment against someone. It also says, “troubled by suspicions or fears of rivalry, unfaithfulness.” It isn’t right to have resentment toward someone, that would be considered a sin. Yet the bible sometimes refers to God as a jealous God, Exodus 20:5  I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. How […]

Don’t Gloat

            If you’re like most people, watching the news can make one angry and disgusted. When we hear about our nation’s leaders deliberately dismantling our liberties, the constitution, religious freedom, the economy and so forth, sometimes we would like to see them get what they deserve. When that happens, it’s tempting to rejoice or gloat. […]

Fear and Division

Genesis 1:31a God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.  This includes Adam and Eve as the first husband and wife. Their relationship was perfect. No strife, secrets, complete harmony with one another and God. Genesis 3:6a When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food. . . She also gave […]

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Think About It God chose a unique dream just for you and shaped you with the exact experiences, skills, and abilities you need to accomplish it. -Rev. Joshua Gagnon

A Great Loss

If you are middle aged or older you are witnessing the loss of the nation you knew and loved. The freedom to move about without having to be cautious or suspicious; trust in people, faith in our judicial system, a sound economy and the most powerful military in the world. My childhood and teen years […]