Last Sunday of the Church Year
Think About It
“It is impossible to account for the creation of the universe without the agency of a Supreme Being.”
-George Washington
Thanksgiving Eve
Living a life of peace and contentment requires an acceptance of life’s uncertainties.
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Think About It
“God is never finished. He is never
out of plans. He is never not able. Even in times of judgment, even in the most hopeless of times and darkest of ages he still has a purpose and a way. Therefore, no matter what happens in the world, his people must always take hope, always press on and never give up.” –
Jonathan Cahn
Give Thanks

How is it possible for some people, and we are all vulnerable, to receive an act or gift of kindness and still find some facet to complain about it. Well, it shows our true nature – selfish and sinful. It also tells us something about our times.
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Think About It! Shame says that because I am flawed, I am unacceptable. Grace says that though I am flawed I am cherished.
Encourage One Another

The season of the church year is the End Times. Prior to advent the focus is on the coming of the Messiah – the second and last time. There is a lot of talk about how the current Israeli war and newspaper headlines are reflecting the fulfillment of end time prophecy. We need to get our head out of current events that try to establish a biblical time-line. Paul reminds believers to encourage one another about the promise of Jesus’ return, not trying to map it out.

What we think and tell ourselves matter. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. When it comes to worry, anxiety is lurking in the shadows. Anxiety is distress or uneasiness in our minds due to worry over a possible misfortune. It makes our heart race, palms sweat, and raises our blood pressure.
Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Think about it: Ask God to empower you through His Spirit to not use worry as a coping strategy. Meditate on 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
November 2023 Briefings

To say we are living in turbulent and uncertain times is an understatement. The eyes of the world are fixated on Israel’s war for survival against the satanic attack of Hamas and all its allies. We wonder if this will precipitate World War III, what will the United States, or should I say, the Divided States, do and so on. Also, on the minds of some people is whether this war leads to the “final war of Armageddon” spoken of in Revelation and elsewhere. The current world events can cause worry, panic, negative thinking, and despair. However, we must remind ourselves that Jesus told his disciples: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.