March 2024 Briefing
Forgive – Don’t Tell

Joseph, the man who had every reason to be bitter and angry was on God’s anvil shaping his character to be used later to serve the nation of Israel and alter the course of history.
Second Sunday in Lent
“Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting.” – Princess Elizabeth Asquith Bibesco
Letting Go

Recently I was asked, “How can I tell if I have truly forgiven?” Good question! Forgiveness usually is not instant.
First Sunday in Lent
There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. -JFK

I would like to share a devotional that is very touching and encouraging written by, Julie Sunne, the daughter-in-law of Ruth Sunne. Julie has published a book due to come out in May of this year entitled: Sometimes I Forget.
Transfiguration Sunday
“Ownership is the thing that makes dying hard. I think of Barb, the dogs, the house, and my very life as mine, and it feels like they’re being taken from me. But if I willingly let go, surrendering them all to the God whose they are in the first place, I’m not stepping back from love. I can love all the more because my heart is not clogged with a desperate greed.” -Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
Clenched Fist or Open Hand?

When you read through the book of 1 Chronicles, near the end of the book you come to long lists of people King David put in charge regarding the temple his son Solomon would build. The author mentions the material resources collected, duties of Levites, priests, family leaders, musicians, division of gate keepers and so on. In other words, it makes for less than interesting reading, and we tend to skip past these chapters and go somewhere else and read.