

1 Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.

I talk a lot about spiritual health as it is very important and is directly related to eternal life. Today I want to turn in a direction we rarely mention in church, and that is our physical health.

I recently read an article in the Christian Counseling Today magazine published by the American Association of Christian Counselors about being our physical best after 40. A Harvard report in 2018 reported the people who follow five healthy habits at 50 years of age, women live 14 years longer and men 12 years longer. Also, three quarters of premature cardiovascular deaths, half of premature cancer deaths and half of all Alzheimer’s are associated with not practicing these five health habits:

1. Never smoking

2. A normal weight BMI of 18.5-24.9.

3. Thirty or more minutes a day of physical activity five days a week

4. No or limited alcohol consumption.

5. A high-quality, nutrient-dense diet (like the Mediterranean or DASH diets:  plant-focused diets, rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts, with low-fat and non-fat dairy, lean meats, fish, and poultry, mostly whole grains, and heart healthy fats).

I’ll quickly run through the ABCD’s. A = A1C, tested by a blood test. High blood sugar could lead to diabetes which in turn can lead to heart disease, stroke and premature death.

B = BMI, Body Mass Index. Obesity in the U.S. is an epidemic. It is number three in the leading preventable risk factors for premature death, and inactivity is number 4. Regular exercise (30 minutes a day, five days a week) increases longevity, reduces fatigue, disability, and depression and improves mental health.  Thirty minutes of exercise does not have to be done all at once to be beneficial.

C = Cholesterol. LDL is low density lipoprotein which is the bad or lethal cholesterol. The HDL is high density lipoprotein and is the good cholesterol that removes the LDL.

D = Diastolic Blood Pressure. Normal is 120/80. If either number is higher your pressure should be checked often.

The article states that it is vital to discuss smoking, physical activity and diet during each regular health care visit. (Information taken from Dr. Walt Larimore article; How to Be Your Physical Best after 40).

In light of 1 Corinthians 6:19 our physical health should not take the back burner. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and should keep it as healthy as we are able.

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:   

 September 20, 9:00Sunday morning worship.  Sermon:  A Heart to Forgive. Genesis 50:15-21

Please continue praying for our nation and the upcoming election! Vote your values!

Thank you to all who donate to make this ministry possible, it is very much appreciated.  Be sure to visit our website and click for more information about the AALC and Pilot Knob Lutheran or make a donation.



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