
Are You Thirsty? 

Pilot Knob Lutheran         Are You Thirsty?                          1/11/2023

Isaiah 55:1-2 “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.

We all know what it is to be hungry and thirsty. Our stomachs and mouths tell us when to eat and drink. We also know what happens when we do not eat or drink. People in third world countries experiencing starvation or malnutrition show signs of sickness, child development is hindered and many more problems often resulting in death.

What many are unaware of is their spirit is alive and needs food and water- nourishment, but of a different sort. Some people who are spiritually thirsty will consume what is not satisfying much less healthy and beneficial.

Are you thirsty for God? Do you have a desire to know God better, to talk to him or read your Bible daily? Sometimes when I bring up the subject of God to someone I don’t know they answer something like this: “I’m doing just fine the way I am,” or, “I go to church that’s enough.” There is no interest, thirst or desire to know God or more about him.  If we chewed on grass, weeds and flowers would that be good enough?

God speaks through Isaiah to his people in exile that it is time to come home; home not just to Jerusalem but more importantly home to God whom they ignored for 70 years. The same God says to you, come and drink deeply of his love, grace, and mercy. Allow the Holy Spirit greater influence in your life by eating and drinking his word which is eternal truth and visiting with him in prayer and worship.

How is your spiritual hunger? Does it show signs of life or signs of death?

Pr. Bob Snitzer

By the Way:  

Today, 11, 4:30 confirmation

January 15, 9:00 AM Morning worship. Sermon:

                        10:15 Sunday school.

                        2:00 GriefShare. If you know of anyone who would benefit from this, encourage them to attend.

 ~ Past communiques and sermons can be read and heard on our website: and Facebook:

Sermons may be heard on KIOW 107.3 FM Sunday mornings at 7:00. Spread the word. If you would like to support this outreach with a contribution, it costs $55 each week. 



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