
Become Familiar With the Word

Pr. Dr. Andrew Brunson planted churches in Turkey for twenty-three years before being falsely accused of being a spy and received a life sentence in prison. For two years he was persecuted for being a follower of Jesus Christ. He said this was his “assignment” in which he was broken several times.  By God’s grace he remained faithful and he was released after two years and now lives in America.

After viewing the political and religious state of America the first few weeks of January he has a word for the American church. “We need to make the decision that we won’t compromise the Word of God even if it costs us.” This is a good point, however, to stand on His word we must know His word; we must be in the word and do it. James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. The Word of God is our spiritual food and we don’t eat food once a week so we must eat God’s word like food, daily.

This brings up the subject of daily personal devotions; time spent in the Word of God and in prayer. Ecclesiastes 5:1 Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. To ‘guard your steps means to watch your steps. In other words when we go to church, we are to watch HOW we go. Not whether we drive or walk, but going with the right attitude. Come wide awake physically, mentally and emotionally. Also come with an expectation that God has something for you at some part(s) of the service. We must remind ourselves God is PRESENT and desires to be acting in the service by coming to us where we need Him the most.

Avoid sitting in church and nitpicking at everything or anyone that annoys you: what people wear, someone who didn’t say hello; a hymn you couldn’t sing, the length and/or content of the sermon and on it goes. We come to encounter God and He comes to encounter us. What attitude do you bring on Sundays?                             More on this next week.

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:     

Today 20, 2:15 Confirmation

Sunday 31, 9:00 Morning worship. Sermon: They Deliberately Forget.

The sound booth will be enlarged beginning in February.

Feb. 14, 10:20ish annual meeting.

Morning worship services may be viewed on Facebook at:  and our website at:   (Click on sermon at the very top of the page then Sunday’s Sermon  then scroll down to the correct date.  It is viewed through Facebook even if you don’t have an account.)

Offerings/donations can be sent to Angie Lawrence or the donation button on our web page.



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