
Your Time with God

Last week we looked at formal worship and how important it is to come regularly and with the right attitude. Our primary purpose is to meet God, be encouraged, encourage others and receive God’s free gifts of forgiveness, mercy, His body and blood in communion and faith.

What about personal time with God? Why is that important and how can it work? Time alone with God, preferably in the morning sets our mind and perspective on God, His presence, biblical perspective and gives peace. God wants to meet with us individually and personally everyday which helps in preventing us from following the harmful ways of the world.  Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Vs. 105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. The Word of God is our GPS showing us the correct and only way to live in this world at peace with God and the assurance we will be in heaven.

How can personal devotions work? First, find a time each day that you can be alone, undisturbed and quiet. Not always easy with young children. Be consistent and guard that time, know it is very important and will help you throughout the day.

Begin with prayer which can be simple or elaborate, depending on the amount of time you have. Be sure to ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you’re going to read and give you a desire to read His Word and pray.

I’ve found it helpful to read the O.T. in chronological order and the NT straight through. You could read both Old Testament and New Testament and take note of what spoke to you, questions you may have or something you need to obey. Then close in prayer asking God to help you with what you learned and pray for others.

It is that simple yet so hard because Satan will do everything he can to distract you and keep you away from God. Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Don’t get discouraged when you miss a day or even many, keep coming back, God is always waiting for you with open arms.

 Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:     

Today 3, 2:30 Confirmation

Sunday 7, 9:00 Morning worship and Holy Communion. Sermon: God is Transcendent

Feb. 14, 10:20 Annual meeting.

Morning worship services may be viewed on Facebook at:  and our website at: (Click on sermon at the very top of the page then Sunday’s Sermon  then scroll down to the correct date.  It is viewed through Facebook even if you don’t have an account.)

Offerings/donations can be sent to Angie Lawrence or the donation button on our web page.



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