Pilot Knob Lutheran Church Flawless 2/26/2025
2 Samuel 22:31 “As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.
As we look around and within ourselves we are acutely aware how imperfect we are in knowledge, skill and understanding today and the future. I suppose that’s why many look to people who claim they can know or predict the future.
It is always best to rely on one who knows perfectly the future of everything and everyone; who also lives in the present and future. God alone is perfect and knows all things. Therefore, he is reliable and dependable in all he says in the bible.
Note what is said about his Word. Flawless! This word refers in the sense that like precious metals in a refiner’s furnace it has been ‘tested’ to the point of proving its purity. Can we ever say God’s written Word contains dross; impurities, errors, or mistakes? No! It has been tested for 1000’s of years and has been found to be perfect at every turn and every teaching.
Because of God’s trustworthiness he can and will protect his people as we see here in 2 Samuel. This chapter is David’s song of praise for delivering him from all his enemies including King Saul.
God has not changed, he continues to deliver and protect when we listen to him and obey.
Pr. Bob Snitzer
By the Way:
Today: 4:30 Confirmation class.
Sunday 2, 9:00 Morning worship and Holy Communion. Sermon Proclamation.
Guest: Patti Griffiths. Mission work in Tanzania.
10:15 Sunday School for all.
2:00 GriefShare session. Lesson # 10
Wednesday 5, 6:30 Ash Wednesday communion service. Sermon: The Divine Exchange.
If you have an article or God sighting you would like to share with the congregation please submit it for publication in the Briefings. pastorbob@pilotknob.org