
Get To Know God

Galatians 4:7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

If you were to approach a stranger and tell who you are and all the reasons why they can trust you and then ask; “Can I have the keys to your car?” They would say no, because they don’t know you. How is it that we expect to talk to strangers or those we know little about and ask if they would give their life to God. We shouldn’t be surprised when they say no because they don’t know who God is or what He is like. If they wouldn’t give you the keys to their car how could they trust God whom they don’t know with the keys to their life?

Image result for google images bible readingThe bible says we need to know God. We need to know about Him and this only happens as we spend quality time with Him. Time in His word, in prayer and in worship. As our knowledge grows so does faith and as faith grows so does obedience and a greater sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Getting to know God’s faithfulness, love, nature and dependability takes time, just like getting to know another person.

James 4:8a Come near to God and he will come near to you. James is writing to Christians who are to come to God in repentance and faith, which we need every day, and God will be sure to meet us with His grace, pardon and protection. Draw near to Him through reading His word and talking to Him in prayer.  His mercy is new every morning.

How well do you know God?  Not how much information do you know about Him, but how well do you know His faithfulness and deep love? Do you have complete confidence in His ability to see you through the days and years to come, to provide for your every need and that of your family? Commit yourself to daily bible reading and prayer and spending time in His presence getting to know Him. Then you will be less likely to fear tomorrow and the unknown.

(Note: in the Briefings, [church newsletter] there is a daily bible reading that will take you through the bible in one year. If you are interested in receiving it let me know).

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:   

 September 27, 9:00Sunday morning worship.  Sermon:  The Vineyard and Tenants Mt. 21:33-46

Please continue praying for our nation and the upcoming election! Vote your values!

Thank you to all who donate to make this ministry possible, it is very much appreciated.  Be sure to visit our website and click for more information about the AALC and Pilot Knob Lutheran or make a donation.



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