

Pilot Knob Lutheran          Peace                  5/8/2024

We hear a lot today about wars: Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Hamas, the potential war between China and Tiawan, and Irans’ involvement against Isarel and threats to America and her allies. Then violent and hostile demonstrations on campuses and in streets; death by random attackers and the proliferation of drugs. It appears everywhere we look there is unrest and division.

The Apostles lived under a violent and harsh government that was particularly anti-Christian, especially Jewish religious leaders holding on to their religious traditions.

In Acts 10 we learn that the citizens then as today need something people desire the world over, and that is peace. Peace within and peace with others at home and abroad. Acts 10:36 The word which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ, He is Lord of all. Peace at any level begins at ground zero – belief in Jesus Christ as God’s Son who died and rose from the dead to pay for sin and guarantees eternal life. Only then is there peace with God and only then can peace with others begin. When we are at peace with God He makes even our enemies to be at peace with us.

Acts 10:42-43 And He ordered us to preach to the people, and to testify solemnly that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify of Him, that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.” This is the foundation and core of all Christian preaching and teaching. This is the only message and means to deal with unrest, hatred, and bigotry. Are you at peace with God?

Pr. Bob Snitzer

By the Way:

Today: 3:45 Confirmation class. Test.

Sunday 5, 9:00 AM Morning worship service. Sermon: Rulers, Be Wise. Psalm 2

For more information go to: https://www.griefshare.org/findagroupor contact Pr. Bob or Sue Reese.

~ Past communiques and sermons can be read and heard on our website: www.pilotknob.org and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PilotKnobLutheran/



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