
Pick Up Your Stone

A favorite Bible story for most children is David and Goliath. Here is a young shepherd boy, perhaps 12-14 years old ready and willing to take his stand before a heavily armed, giant of a worrier experienced in combat. That does sound like a child’s story and not true to life. But wait a minute, shepherds didn’t just walk around with a walking stick and watch sheep graze. They had to be courageous and some of the fiercest fighters if they were to protect and keep every lamb safe. Therefore, from very early in life they became skilled with a slingshot and built courage to face natural predators such as, lions and even bears.  1 Samuel 17:36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.

The entire Israelite army cowered in fear of Goliath for 40 days, but this young shepherd boy looked past his threats, rejected King Saul’s armor and went down into the brook of Elah and picked up five choice stones for his sling and put them in his pouch. Without fear or a second thought he moves toward Goliath. He has one thing to say: 1 Samuel 17:45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

What do you suppose was the miracle of this event? It was that David had an intimate relationship or walk with God. It wasn’t the stones, skill, courage or his sling shot, it was his close walk with God. Remember David was only 12-14 years old. Are our young people being raised from the cradle on the Word of God, to trust and believe in the one true God who answers prayer and moves mountains? It’s not enough to learn what’s important they need to know what is most important.

We all face Goliath’s in our lives, giant obstacles and problems that can be bigger than life. I want to ask you, what is your stone and where are you going to throw it? Religion without a relationship is worthless and worse, it is deceptive. 

As believers and followers of Jesus Christ we are called to bring God, the Light of the world into the darkness. To bring truth to bear upon disinformation, peace in the midst of chaos, love and forgiveness in the face of hate and anger.

Goliaths will multiply as long as God’s people do nothing and remain silent. Pick up your stone and ask God where you are to throw it then follow through.

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:     

Today 13, 2:30 Confirmation

Sunday 17, 9:00 Morning worship. Sermon: The Gospel’s Foundation

Present and past worship services may be viewed on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Pilot-Knob-Lutheran-Church-Forest-City-IA-431071033738650/  and our website at: www.pilotknob.org  

Offerings/donations can be sent to Angie Lawrence or the donation button on our web page.

The book mentioned in SS is: We Will Not Be Silenced, by Erwin Lutzer



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