

Pilot Knob Lutheran         Reputation                 9/4/2024

Paul writes to the Christian church located in the heart of the pagan Roman Empire, a church he did not establish or visit prior to sending his letter.

The church Paul writes to, probably not a ‘mega,’ church had a reputation that spread far and wide. What was their reputation? First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you because the news of your faith is being reported in all the world. Romans 1:8

This church or congregation was not hiding from persecution, nor being a chameleon in which they would blend in with the latest religious trend or scientific discoveries or philosophical opinions. The Roman church, made up of Jews and Gentiles made themselves highly visible. By God’s grace they had a good reputation. They exercised a strong faith, in both their conversations and daily actions. People could hear about their faith in Jesus Christ and see how it changed their lives. Word about their faith went far beyond their neighborhood as Paul says: ‘throughout the world!” 

What is the reputation you hear about your church? Is it positive, do you speak positively about your church and more importantly your savior? The best advertisement for any product is personal testimony. Same for the church; word of mouth and today we can include radio and social media. Our top concern or priority is not getting people to join a particular congregation, but surrendering to Jesus Christ and belonging to the Kingdom of God. 

Pr. Bob Snitzer 

By the Way: 

Today, 4:30. Confirmation 

Sunday 15, 9:00 AM Morning worship service. Sermon: God Gave Them Over Romans 1:24-32

10:20 Sunday school begins.

  Donations for Wes Lawrence: makes checks payable to PKLC and put in the donation box not the offering plate. Sunday is the last day we will be collecting.

 If you have any article or God sighting you would like to share with the congregation please submit it for publication in the 

GriefShare will begin a new session beginning October 6, 2:00-3:30 at the Church. For more information go to: contact Pr. Bob or Sue Reese.

~ Past communiques and sermons can be read and heard on our website: and Facebook: 



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