
Rocks Everywhere!

Pilot Knob Lutheran             Rocks Everywhere!                           5/31/2023

Last week we learned of seed falling on ground that was a hard pathway and it had no chance of growing as the devil came and removed the seed.

Today we consider the seed that fell on rocky soil. This is not the rocks you farmers pick up every year and pile at the edge of your field. The rock in the parable is a layer of rock a few inches below the soil. On the surface the soil looked ready to receive seed and germinate. Matthew 13:20-21 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.

The seed did germinate and began growing; however, it didn’t last. This is the person who hears the Word of God and responds favorably, but as time moves on, he falls away. Why? There was no depth for roots to grow. The sun of persecution rises and dries the soil and the plant dies.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we must have spiritual roots that go deep and thus survive droughts, persecution, and hardships. Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Notice Jesus says persecution and trouble will come because we adhere to His Word. If we do not have a spiritual tap root we could be in trouble. Roots grow and develop when provided with deep soil, nutrients, water, and sunshine. Spiritual roots grow by feeding on the Word, watered with worship and rays of sun through prayer shining down the Father’s grace, mercy, and strength.

By being firmly rooted we will not fall for heresy nor cave in to compromise.

Next week: ground with weeds.

Pr. Bob Snitzer

By the Way:

June 4, 9:00 AM Morning worship & Holy Communion. Sermon: Joshua 4:1-24 Sermon: River Stones Pt. 6

2:00 GriefShare

  ~ Past communiques and sermons can be read and heard on our website: and Facebook:

Sermons may be heard on KIOW 107.3 FM Sunday mornings at 7:00. Spread the word. If you would like to support this outreach with a contribution, it costs $55 each week. 

Sandy Rios 24/7 

Sandy Rios is a seasoned radio host and former longtime Fox News contributor who has traveled the world and served in various leadership roles in Washington, D.C. Her new podcast, Sandy Rios 24/7, promises to bring unfiltered, insightful commentary from a Christian worldview. Here is what listeners have to say about Sandy: “A trusted source in a sea of fake news!”, “There is not another Sandy Rios!”, “Spectacular range!”, “Great discernment and understanding for our time”, “Irreplaceable!”



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