
Tell the Truth

Pilot Knob Lutheran         Tell the Truth                  6/5/2024

I’ve mentioned truth in past communiques, but today I want us to see it from an individual perspective, because truth is vital for a healthy emotional and consequently physical life. Pr. 23:7 As a (man) thinks within himself, so he is. This is saying our feelings, passions and behavior are subject to and conditioned by what we think, i.e., by what we believe to be true.

What we tell ourselves to be true is not always easy to sift out from what is partially true. You are probably familiar with the saying: If we hear a lie repeated often enough, we will believe it to be true. Therefore, it takes work to determine what lies we may be telling ourselves, believing them to be true.

The lies we tell ourselves often saps the joy and hope out of daily living. For example; if you tell yourself, you are dumb and can’t accomplish anything worthwhile you will act as though that were true. We hear of people losing a limb or eyesight not wanting to be viewed as handicapped or thinking life is over because they are confined to a wheelchair. Case in point; Joni Erickon Tada. What they tell themselves determines their level of joy and hope, not their experience or situation.

After being held back in third grade, a nice way of saying failed, and being labeled a flunky and stupid the entire year by fellow students I started believing it. I almost didn’t make it through 7th grade and needed to be tutored in freshman chemistry while in 12th grade could have finalized the fact that I was dumb and would amount to nothing. Add to that getting an “F” on my first college examine didn’t help. What I told myself, the encouragement from my roommate and most of all surrendering it all to the Lord, life began to turn around because I began exchanging lies and half-truths for truth.

What misbeliefs are you telling yourself that may not be true and are sapping you of joy, hope and daily happiness?

Pr. Bob Snitzer

By the Way:

Sunday 9, 9:00 AM Morning worship service and Holy Communion. Sermon: Beleez…Who? Mark 3:20ff

For more information go to: contact Pr. Bob or Sue Reese.

~ Past communiques and sermons can be read and heard on our website: and Facebook:



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