

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust is a word I hear more and more from the media as it is being attached to science. We are being encouraged to “trust the science” when it comes to health.  Yes, I will put a certain amount of trust in medical science, doctors and researchers. However, I doubt I will trust everything ‘science’ states as dogma. Our society is promoting science as the answer for all or most of the world’s problems and obstacles; from climate change to health, political science to technology. As good and necessary as science and research is, we must remember science is a human endeavor to understand the world around us and how it works through observation and experimentation. A human endeavor; that means it is fraught with the possibility of prejudice, bias, limited information and so on. That means science must be open to revisions, correction and updates as more information is learned. What bothers me is how ads come across as though science is infallible and it alone can solve the world’s problems given enough time, money and control.

The bible says to put complete trust in the one who is not biased, prejudiced or has limited understanding, but is perfect in all He does and says. God never makes a mistake or has to improve what He has done or will do. God certainly works through people of all disciplines to convey His truth about our spiritual and physical worlds, the past and future, but we must balance or evaluate what science and others say with the inerrant word of God; it is true and trustworthy from the very first verse. This is the worldview we must learn and teach to our children and others. Proverbs 28:26 Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe. The author is speaking of one who trusts in one’s own intellect. It clearly defines what a fool is: someone who trusts in his way rather than in the divine wisdom from God. let us screen what we are told through God’s word and hold fast to what is true.

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:   

Today, 3:30 confirmation class. 

October 18, 9:00Sunday morning worship.  Sermon:  Spiritual swordplay Mt. 22:15-22

Sunday school: 10:15 for all ages. Adults will meet in the sanctuary.

Please continue praying for our nation and the upcoming election! Vote your values!

Thank you to all who donate to make this ministry possible, it is very much appreciated.  Be sure to visit our website and click for more information about the AALC and Pilot Knob Lutheran or make a donation.



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