Pilot Knob Lutheran Church War 1/29/2025
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
While wars continue between Israel and Hamas and their proxies, between Russia and Ukraine, behind them is a global war against all that is good and seeks total control and annihilation of life. The powers of darkness are behind all murders, wars, violence and attacks against the church. The sad part is that many people, both in and out of the church don’t see it that way.
Jesus defeated the most powerful enemy of the church (true Christians) by dying and rising from the dead. However, Satan continues to have limited authority and power against us until his demise when the LORD returns. Nevertheless, his goal it to destroy each of us any way he can. He works to deceive and accuse us of sin so we lose faith in God. He will not stop until we are home with the Lord.
“Spiritual forces of wickedness” is a reference to the starry host, or astrology in which the heavenly bodies were seen as the home of demons who control the lives of men. In other words, the horoscope is wicked, used by the powers of darkness and cannot predict one’s future.
We must view our struggle not with each other, but with the dark forces and beings who use people who are unaware and yet some who choose to live in darkness whose end is eternal torment, a dimension originally created for Satan and his fallen angels.
As followers of Jesus Christ we are cleansed by His blood and He lives in us through the Holy Spirit who will keep us in the faith and lead us home to heaven.
Pr. Bob Snitzer
By the Way:
Today: 4:30 Confirmation class.
Sunday 2, 9:00 morning worship & Holy Communion. Sermon: Children of the Promise.
10:30 Annual Meeting. No Sunday school
If you have an article or God sighting you would like to share with the congregation please submit it for publication in the Briefings.pastorbob@pilotknob.org