
What is Needed

Last week we saw that the Disciples ‘little faith’ was unable to carry out an exorcism, something Jesus gave them authority to do. (Mark 6:12). While we generally equate little faith with the faith of the mustard seed, we saw that was incorrect. The disciples had little faith, what they needed was faith the size of a mustard seed.

What can we learn from this? First, there is good news. ‘Little faith’ is still faith in Jesus; it is still Christian faith that forgives sins, receives God’s grace and are heaven bound! Our condition or position as a believer in Jesus Christ is independent of weak faith or strong faith at a given time. The important thing is that when we are doubting or faltering our faith cries out to Jesus, “Lord, in your mercy save me,” “help me overcome my unbelief.” 

Secondly, how can we have faith of a mustard seed? We can’t create it on our own, it comes from God alone and He sustains its growth. However, what we can do, just like the disciples is to rely and turn to Jesus for everything, not just when in a jam. We can   spend quality time in God’s word on a regular basis. Take note of biblical principles and obey what they say. We need to worship regularly and receive communion, the real presence of Jesus in the bread and wine. Remember and learn Romans 10:17, “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” 

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:     Sunday 26, 9:00 Morning worship. Sermon: For or Against. Mark 9:38-50

10:15 Sunday school for all ages. 

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Listen to Sandy Rios for one power packed hour each morning to hear the important news of the day.  Sandy provides the latest from DC with the savvy of an insider equipped with a Christian perspective.  Listen to her podcast here:  https://afr.net/podcasts/sandy-rios-in-the-morning



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