
Where is our focus?

Pilot Knob Lutheran            Where is our focus?                      3/1/2023

Back to the snake in the grass. We can look in our own backyard for those alarming, anxiety-causing creators. Sometimes all we need to do is think something is a snake (black hose) and we panic, thinking like chicken-little, the sky is falling! Consider what’s slithering in the grass all around us: war, rumors of war, pestilences, famines, all types of weather events such as droughts, floods, hot summers, long drawn-out winters, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, volcanos and more. But these have been around for thousands of years. In addition to dealing with natural disasters and storms there are snakes that attack our mind and spirit introducing once again the question: ‘Did God really say?’ Our children and students are being attacked by a godless ideology and moral relativism, something my generation did not have to deal with until the mid-1960’s.

Isaiah was right when he said: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20. Proponents of an upside-down morality and lawlessness are trying to keep us locked down with fear and on edge so the populous is easier to control. This also sounds like Matthew 24 with its warning of wars and rumors of wars, pestilences and persecutions. If God allowed all that is going on to continue and grow worse, no one would be saved. Satan’s goal is to destroy.

Is this the worst that could happen? Stay tuned for next week.



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