Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

There is a song we’ve sung for some time titled, “Give Thanks.” It simply says; “Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks unto the Holy one; give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son. . . .” Tomorrow is a day of thanks that was first held in 1621 when governor Bradford declared […]
A Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving

At this time of the year and the state of the Union it would be beneficial to know what took place on September 25, 1789, when the very first federal Congress had just finished framing the Bill of Rights – the Capstone of the Constitution. Mr. Elias Boudinot called for an opportunity for all U.S. […]
To Make Him Known

There is a resource that lists important people and their contributions to society, it’s called, Marquis Who’s Who and has been the standard since 1898. This is an excellent resource for every generation to learn and remember influential people in previous generations that would otherwise be forgotten. It wouldn’t be right not to know about the […]
Lift Up Our Leaders

Last week we looked at the need to pray for all people and leaders whether they are Christian or heathen. Paul was writing during the reign of emperor Nero when Christians were severely persecuted and killed. Such was the fate of Paul when he returned to Rome. We must also remember that heathen rulers are […]
Pray for Our Leaders

In four days, we will be electing a president who will preside over America for the next four years. Our Republic is at stake and many will be joyous and many will be very disappointed in the results. Regardless of who is elected we are given a charge to pray. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 I urge, then, first […]