
Lift Up Our Leaders

Last week we looked at the need to pray for all people and leaders whether they are Christian or heathen. Paul was writing during the reign of emperor Nero when Christians were severely persecuted and killed. Such was the fate of Paul when he returned to Rome. We must also remember that heathen rulers are included among those when Paul writes to the Romans in 13:1-4. Christian or atheist, Marxist or tyrant he or she is God’s servant to do His will at that time. Remember God raised up Babylon who was evil and merciless to accomplish his purpose and they in turn received God’s wrath for their evil.

We should pray for God’s blessing on our leaders, protection and their salvation if needed, and for them to hear God’s voice over the screams of their constituents.

The purpose is Vs. 4: For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. We are beginning to see more clearly the importance of peace, law and order. When there is division of any kind there is the lack of peace and churches find it difficult to have worship and share the gospel unhindered and without restrictions, war or terrorism. While we’ve taken our freedom for granted for some time, we are beginning to recognize we can’t or it will be removed. All the more reason not to neglect meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but all the more as we see The Day approaching.

We must lift up to God our leaders in public and private prayer. Jeremiah 27:work for the peace and prosperity of Babylon. Pray for her, for if Babylon has peace, so will you.” Doing this we know we are carrying out the will of God for He doesn’t want anyone to perish but to come to the knowledge of the truth. The gospel truth is easier to share when we have peace and the freedom of religion, for no one can come to saving faith without the Word of God. therefore, It is important for the church to proclaim and teach the truth faithfully to all those around us.  

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:   

Today, 3:30 Confirmation class. 

November 8, 9:00Sunday morning worship.  Sermon: Hope and Encouragement

Sunday school for all. Nov. 8

Thank you to all who donate to make this ministry possible, it is very much appreciated.  Be sure to visit our website and click www.pilotknob.org for more information about the AALC and Pilot Knob Lutheran or make a donation.



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