
To Make Him Known

There is a resource that lists important people and their contributions to society, it’s called, Marquis Who’s Who and has been the standard since 1898. This is an excellent resource for every generation to learn and remember influential people in previous generations that would otherwise be forgotten.

It wouldn’t be right not to know about the Founding Fathers of America, Thomas Edison, Ronald Reagan, Billy Sunday and many more.

As I read the Old Testament in particular, I’m struck with the responsibility given to Israel to make God known to the world. They were to be a living ‘Who’s Who Among the Gods’ of their time. That’s why God established the nation at the world’s crossroads in Israel so they could influence and persuade people to believe and follow the one true God. Not to do so would allow paganism and secularism and other ‘isms’ to flourish and dominate their culture.

I believe this has been our calling to let the world know the only true God as individuals and as a nation, but we have failed for the past 65 years or more. The church as a whole allowed prayer to be removed from public schools, along with the Ten Commandments and has lost respect for authority.  These and other things have contributed to the denial of absolute moral standards, absolute truth and awareness of the God of the Bible leading to a severe case of Biblical illiteracy.   Failure to live to make Jesus Christ known in the public square will cause a nation to forget God and walk in darkness receiving the due penalty for our sin; the withdrawal of God’s protection and receiving His judgment.

How should we be living? In a way that shows the world there is one true loving God, that we may come into His presence and receive forgiveness, peace and eternal life. It is up to us Christians to speak up, stand up for truth and our faith and not be bullied into silence or labeled as irrelevant.

May we intentionally live in such a way that the world may know Jesus Christ is Lord.

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:   

Today, 2:30 Confirmation class. 

3:30 Packing OCC boxes.

Saturday 15, OCC packing boxes 9-10:00 AM

November 15, 9:00Sunday morning worship.  Sermon: Don’t Agonize Over the Wicked

Sunday school for all. Nov. 15

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Archived messages at: www.pilotknob.org



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