A Sign

Pilot Knob Lutheran            A Sign        12/18/2024

Reminder: Sunday 22, all Sunday school students are to be at church by 8:30 AM.

It was not luck or fortune that a man wrote a prediction 740 years before its time about one male baby who would be born under unusual circumstances. What were those circumstances? A young virgin girl would give birth to a God-man. Now that is wild! Who made that prediction? A man named Isaiah who lived in the southern part of Israel known as Judah. He said the God of all creation would actually come to earth and live in human form. He would live as one of us, experience life as we do, face temptations as we do, but never once give in, and who experienced rejection and death for who he claimed to be – the Son of God. Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (Matthew 1:23).

His unique name, and he had many, was Immanuel which means “God is with us.” Think about it. The only true and living God humbled himself, left his throne and kingdom and came to earth to literally be with you. Now that is love and compassion. He walked the earth he created for approximately 33 years to tell us how to live forever and to open the door to eternal life. The key that unlocked the door was the cross. It was there that Jesus carried out his purpose for coming so we could be with him forever in perfect peace and harmony. As Mary received the message from the angel that she would give birth to the Son of God, so we must receive her Child into our hearts by faith and turn away from sin and live according to his word in order to have eternal life.

Please keep Christ in your Christmas celebration and tell you children and grandchildren the true meaning of Christmas and why every other meaning is simply not true.

Pr. Bob Snitzer

By the Way:

Today: 4:30 Confirmation class. TEST chapters 1-10

Sunday 22, 9:00 AM Sunday School Christmas program.

     No Sunday school.

Sunday 24, 4:30 PM Christmas Candle light service.

January 9, 6:30 PM New member orientation class. If interested please contact Pr. Bob

January 5, 2:00 GriefShare meeting.

If you have any article or God sighting you would like to share with the congregation please submit it for publication in the Briefings. pastorbob@pilotknob.org

~ Past communiques and sermons can be read and heard on our website: www.pilotknob.org and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PilotKnobLutheran



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