Pilot Knob Lutheran Gratitude 1/8/2025
As we begin a New Year it is often a time we look back and simultaneously look forward. What was good in 2024 and what can we change in 2025.
I know new years resolutions don’t last past January 31, 90% of the time. So, I’m hesitant to make one or suggest one, but I’m going to anyway.
Let’s begin with a question: What are you thankful for in 2024? Have you specifically thanked God? All too often gratitude is placed on the back burner when it needs to be foremost in our minds and prayers. The Bible has a lot to say about expressing gratitude and for good reason. Therefore, a good new year’s resolution would be to recognize what we are thankful for, what God is doing in our lives and offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.
How can we start this resolution? It begins with humility. Humility is the seed that produces the fruit of gratitude. It comes from recognizing that everything we have and are comes as a gift from God. Try and think of one thing that God is not a part of or responsible for? When we recognize that everything is from the hand of God, the natural response is gratitude.
The opposite of humility is pride, the epic center of every sin. Pride is what caused Satan to fall and the Fall of Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3 and Ezekiel 28:12-17) Pride prevents us form seeing the hand of God in daily life and causing us to focus on – Me!
Let us make a conscience effort to see all of life as a gift from our loving God and express our gratitude daily.
Pr. Bob Snitzer
By the Way:
Today: 4:30 Confirmation class.
Thursday 9, 10:00 quilting day.
6:30 PM New member orientation class. If interested please contact Pr. Bob
Sunday 12, 9:00 morning worship service.
10:15 AM Sunday School for all ages.
*Typed annual meeting reports due in to pastor by January 26. pastorbob@pilotknob.org
If you have an article or God sighting you would like to share with the congregation please submit it for publication in the Briefings.pastorbob@pilotknob.org
~ Past communiques and sermons can be read and heard on our website: www.pilotknob.org and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PilotKnobLutheran
Our service also airs on: KGLO AM 1300 at 10:00 AM and KIOW 107.3 FM at 7:00 AM