
Easter Isn’t Over

Easter has come, but is not gone. Every Sunday is to be a reminder of Easter, a celebration of life. The fact Jesus was raised from the dead is why we can worship every Sunday. If He didn’t rise, we would not know forgiveness or power over Satan and eternal death. God’s plan of redemption would be a flop, a failure, a giant mistake and embarrassment. We would not have a New Testament and the Old Testament would be a lie, much less the book of Revelation telling us how it all ends.

Without His resurrection we would die and return to dirt because it proves Jesus was a nut case thinking He was God when in fact He wasn’t. It would be the biggest lie perpetrated on the human race. In fact, we may as well revert back to Charles Darwin and the survival of the fittest since we are nothing more than animals.

The truth is, and history bears this out, Jesus is God. He really died and rose from the dead giving us assurance and confidence we too will rise and live with Him forever. When that resurrection occurs, we will receive new bodies that will be immortal and can stand in the presence of Almighty God in all His glory. Paul says no eye has seen what God has in store for those who love Him. Knowing this and knowing Jesus Christ as our savior makes the pain and persecution of this world pale in comparison. No matter what we may face we know it will not last, for heaven awaits us and it will never end. Keep that in mind when life is hard, God knows our pain and is with us.

Alleluia, Christ is risen!

Pr. Bob Snitzer                                      

By the Way:     

Today 3:00 confirmation

Sunday 11, 9:00 Morning worship and Holy Communion.

                        10:15 Sunday school for all ages.

                        2-4:00 Steve/Jan’s 50th wedding anniversary. Come and go.



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